Dry Space
Still growing a crop but need to dry a harvest too? No need to clear out and clean your grow tent. Dry your buds in DryTents.
Odor & Light
Your prized harvest needs to dry in total darkness. Keep the light out and the dankness in for safe and discrete harvests.
Better Hang
Dry Design
Don't dry those beautiful buds on a flat surface! Hang-drying means better airflow and superior bud structure.
Control & Airflow
You came this far, don't screw it up in the end! Drying too fast makes a harsh taste, too slow and you risk mold and mildew.
(soon to be...)
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Why DryTents?
We realized that there weren't ANY affordable, effective and simple commercial products focused on drying. SO WE MADE ONE.
You've put a lot of blood, sweat, tears, time and money into your grow.
You don't want it to all be for nothing. That would seriously suck.
The drying and curing stages are absolutely CRITICAL to a great product and there's still a lot that can go wrong...
If you dry too slow or with too much heat/ humidity you get:
Dry too fast and you get an inferior, harsh product.
Our INNOVATIVE DryTents solve all these issues.

Let's stay in touch.
DryTents is just getting started. Enter your email and we'll keep you posted on all our exciting new products and special offers.